Students should update their local address with UF every semester.
Students should report a change in local address to the University of Florida each time a move occurs. Do this by logging into your account at using the Gatorlink username and password. All Personal Addresses need to be updated.
Electronic Signature
By signing below you acknowledge that per Student Government Election Code 778.1: Any voter who casts, or attempts to cast, more than one ballot, tampers with an election system, or attempts to register to vote at a regular polling location more than once in any election or attempts to vote at a regular polling location after submitting an absentee ballot, or submits an absentee ballot after voting at a regular polling location shall be guilty of an offense against the Student Body. Additionally, by submitting this form, you acknowledge that failure to list your address correctly may result in an undeliverable absentee ballot.
If you have any questions you can contact the Supervisor of Elections at or by calling (352) 392-1665